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T&E Pumps prides ourselves on providing a good quality product at the fairest possible price. We build a pump that considers the user, the industry and the environment. Born of the days of drip pans and spills, it has a sealing system that when properly maintained, will not leak. It can also be recycled.

Hydraulic Coolers
There are many different coolers on the market today
that offer an array of functionality and features.
For use with T&E Pump Systems we recommend one of the following three. While other coolers may work, we have had success with these options.
Dakota Fluid Power
45-50 GPM
Cross frame mount
Requires 14” behind bunk of deck space
45 GPM
Side frame mount
Requires 12” of bare frame space
With more facilities and companies requiring by-passes on the truck system we have found the
SUR-FLO products to be the best and most reliable.
If you require a By-Pass system on your truck, please speak to a representative
regarding how we can facilitate this on your specific system.

“Our mission is to Design & Manufacture pumps that consider the users, the industry and environment and to provide great service to our customers”


Call: 844 577 3825
Visit: 6566 Township Road 370

Consort, AB, Canada 


Gardner Denver: MH3
40 GPM
Side frame mount
Requires 20” of bare frame space
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